Unlike Planning Center Online (PCO), IconCMO has an integrated fund accounting system that follows FASB guidelines and doesn’t rely on a non-fund accounting solution like Quickbooks (QB). Additionally, with PCO, you never know what you might be paying as they use soft limits on their pricing tiers for several modules. Module Planning Center IconCMO Membership… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Breeze Church Software
Unlike Breeze, IconCMO has an integrated fund accounting system that follows FASB guidelines and doesn’t rely on a non-fund accounting solution like Quickbooks (QB). Modules Breeze IconCMO Membership $804.00 $660.00 Accounting (QB) $504.00 INCLUDED Payroll (Using QB for 5 employees) $840.00 $300.00 Total (Annual Pricing) $2,148.00 $960.00 Breeze Church Software is 123% more expensive than… ⪼ Continue Reading…
How does IconCMO pricing work?
IconCMO is priced by families, not individuals. A family can have many individuals or just one (ie single person). Many systems charge by the individual and the church ends up paying more for those families. An example is if the church has 800 individuals, more than likely the family count is somewhere between 250 –… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Can I send emails or text messages to my church members?
Absolutely! You can send individual emails and text messages to your church members. Or you can create a group and send an email or text message to the entire group, commonly called mass emailing or texting.
Can my church members access their own information?
Yes. The church can set up user names and passwords for each family. The families can then log into the member portal to view and edit their profiles. They can view what groups they are in. They can print a contribution statement for tax purposes. They can also view a church directory to contact other… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Does IconCMO have access to my donor’s credit/debit cards or bank accounts?
No one has access to the church’s contributor’s credit card or bank account numbers, nor is this information ever transmitted to or saved on IconCMO servers. All this data is handled by the payment processors.