Unlike Planning Center Online (PCO), IconCMO has an integrated fund accounting system that follows FASB guidelines and doesn’t rely on a non-fund accounting solution like Quickbooks (QB). Additionally, with PCO, you never know what you might be paying as they use soft limits on their pricing tiers for several modules. Module Planning Center IconCMO Membership… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Check Out Our Price Comparisons!
Breeze Church Software
Unlike Breeze, IconCMO has an integrated fund accounting system that follows FASB guidelines and doesn’t rely on a non-fund accounting solution like Quickbooks (QB). Modules Breeze IconCMO Membership $804.00 $660.00 Accounting (QB) $504.00 INCLUDED Payroll (Using QB for 5 employees) $840.00 $300.00 Total (Annual Pricing) $2,148.00 $960.00 Breeze Church Software is 123% more expensive than… ⪼ Continue Reading…