Define your needs. Make a list of the things you want the software to accomplish and rank them by importance. Getting caught up in all of the hype is easy, so knowing your priorities before you get started will help keep you on track. Take the program for a test drive. Sign up for a… ⪼ Continue Reading…
cloud computing
Church Software for Districts and their Churches
The evaluation of district software for churches should take into account the various tasks performed at each level of the organization (e.g. Church, District, Regional, National, World Offices). Capabilities of District Software: The ability to move a church from one regional office to another. Communication capabilities both within a single entity as well as between… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Software Jargon: Legacy System
Legacy System defined: An old technology, computer system, or application program that continues to be used, typically because it still functions for the users’ needs, even though newer technology or more efficient methods of performing a task are now available. (Wikipedia) System that has been in existence for a long time and that continues to… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Software Jargon: SaaS or Software as a Service
Definition of SaaS: Software as a Service (SaaS) is software that is rented rather than purchased. Instead of buying software and paying for periodic upgrades, SaaS is subscription-based, and all upgrades are provided during the term of the subscription. When the subscription period expires, the software is no longer valid. SaaS can be implemented with… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Four Key Elements for Church Donation Software
When churches are looking for church donation software, they should make a list of the specific functionality they want immediately. Additionally, what needs exist in the next 5-10 years for the church donation software? Smaller organizations and church plants may not be ready for online donations however; the availability of this option later is crucial.… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Benefits of a Church Payroll Solution (Part II).
Church Payroll Software Cost and its Benefits One option for churches is to outsource payroll responsibilities. Payroll services typically charge $1 or more per check, with a minimum fee of $10-25 each pay period. Additional fees are often incurred for quarterly reports and W-2 preparation. These fees can amount to a substantial number over time.… ⪼ Continue Reading…