If your fiscal year is not on a calendar year, the next most popular fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th. There are steps you need to take in the system once your new fiscal year starts. Year End Processing Guide The Year End Process Guide provides step by step instructions to prepare your… ⪼ Continue Reading…
cloud computing
Trust and Terabytes in Church Software Servers
At Icon Systems we value our clients’ trust. Churches trust us to ensure their data is secure, reliable, and always accessible. We wanted to inform our clients that in 2013, we have replaced every server that the IconCMO application runs on for our clients. We have also replaced the servers for the blog and website.… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Skeptics vs. Cynics: Web-Based Church Software Security
I subscribe to a newsletter called Great Work Provocations. Every weekday morning, I get an email with a short yet inspirational, thought-provoking message. This morning’s email brought me this little gem: Invite the skeptics in. They’re desperate to be proven wrong. But avoid the cynics. They’ve already made their minds up. –Great Work Provocations Reflecting… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Free E-Book: Recording and Increasing Church Donations.
This e-book was designed to help staff and volunteers understand the importance of recording donations of various different types (eg. non-cash vs. cash). Understanding the various methods of giving can help a church generate income when financial times are tough and provide donors the right documentation for their tax returns. Additionally, it helps the church… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Software & Grocery Shopping!
In today’s economy everyone is watching what they spend money on, including groceries. Many factors can complicate our choices. For example, choosing the item with the lowest price on a grocery shelf doesn’t always mean a bargain. Why? Because the shelf has a price per unit (eg: ounce, liter, pound) for that particular brand. In… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Do you make this common mistake with your computer?
I take a lot of tech support calls, so I know just as well as anyone that technology can go from being helpful to extremely frustrating – and quite quickly, too. Last week, a praiseworthy article from Time Management Ninja showed up in my RSS feed regarding that exact topic: 7 ways to prevent computer… ⪼ Continue Reading…