Church financial statements are the reports churches should be reviewing on a monthly basis. While church budgets may be important, this is only a best guess as to what will happen throughout the year. More time each month should be dedicated to reading through financial statements of what has happened rather than the budget. Many… ⪼ Continue Reading…
church technology
Church Management Solution Requirements
Church management solutions and their requirements have changed dramatically in just the last ten years. Software in the past used to have strict guidelines in regards to processor speeds, RAM, and hard drive space. While they are important items to consider for a new computer, most church management systems are online — just like your… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Taking Church Attendance In Uncertain Times
Churches are having to navigate without much guidance in uncertain times around the country. Many churches, businesses and social gatherings are either closed or limited in capacity. Churches are asking how to keep their members as safe as possible, while still practicing their faith. Of course precautions like washing hands and social distancing are helping… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Archiving Individuals and Households in IconCMO
You will want to archive individuals you are not actively engaging with (attending events, visitations, sending communications, etc.) Archiving individuals and households in IconCMO is easy. Examples include those who are deceased, have transferred to another church or are infrequent visitors. Archiving these individuals will not remove them from the system. All historical information remains… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Software Backups — Any Time!
A church software’s ability to create data backups is probably one of the top five things it has to do, above all else. After all, the church’s data is a treasure trove and irreplaceable. In most cases, church software backups are completed each night without much thought. It is a very automated process. The only… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Get Your Free Church Management Software Download
You’ll see the phrase “get your free church management software download” all the time when searching for a software that will handle the complex nature of church administration. What it really means, in most cases, is we will give you a software trial for a certain amount of time. Then to continue using it you… ⪼ Continue Reading…