First of all, we love hearing from you!
We love when you leave nice reviews because it gives us warm fuzzy feelings. We love when you leave us constructive criticism because it lets us know how we can be better. We love when you tell us something is broken because it gives us the opportunity to fix it.
There are, however, some general guidelines we ask you to follow when you comment on a blog post. So below we have listed a couple of things you ought to know.
Comments will be moderated.
When you leave a comment, it is not displayed immediately on the site but is placed in a queue for moderation, where an administrator will manually approve it.
Reasons why we won’t approve a comment:
- It is considered spam (i.e. an attempt to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote goods and services.) You may, however, feel free to post a link to your site.
- It contains offensive or inappropriate language, or is considered by us to be rude and offensive.
- It does not add to the conversation, runs off on a tangent, or kills the conversation. If you are a client of ours and have a feature suggestion or a customer support issue, please send us an email instead.
If you say something nice about us, we occasionally share it with others.
Translated to legalese, that means you grant us the right to store, use, transmit, display, publish, reproduce, and distribute your comments in any format, including but not limited to a blog, in a book, a video, or presentation.
We really mean it: we love hearing from you!
Once again, this comment policy is not intended to discourage you from talking to us – we love getting feedback from you. So go ahead and leave a comment, you know you want to!