Streamline your church’s check-in process with an online child check in church software system crafted from cutting edge web technologies. Our developers have meticulously designed Icon Check-in to be fast, easy to use, affordable and safe.
Child Check-in Safety

When you take children into your care, you take on an enormous responsibility.
You need to have readily available parental/emergency contact information. You need to know if a child requires special considerations, such as allergies or medical needs. And you have to make sure each child leaves with a trusted person.
Icon Check-in gives you the tools to look up and print reports for
- Each child’s information, including allergies or other concerns, when they are checked in and out, and by whom.
- Each child’s guardians, including contact information,
- Photo identification to ensure safe and secure check-out.
Child Check-in Made Easy

With Icon Check-in, you can intuitively accomplish many tasks with a few clicks. No confusion. No drilling down through menus. No expensive hardware.
You won’t lose your work because you forget to click save or there’s a conflict with someone else using the system.
All data is saved in real time to the database and updates all users — even when they are on the same record as you. No need for screen refreshes.
- Use any computer or smart device. Our responsive design is completely mobile friendly.
- Give parents the capability of checking in their own children with our self check-in interface.
- Print name tags and labels from anywhere in the church through our integration with Brother label printers. See our case study from the Brother website.
Add Child Check-in To Your IconCMO Church Management Software
Icon Check-in integrates as an add-on to IconCMO. Try out IconCMO for free!