This post was last updated on March 31st, 2021 at 08:38 am.
At Icon Systems we value our clients’ trust. Churches trust us to ensure their data is secure, reliable, and always accessible.
We wanted to inform our clients that in 2013, we have replaced every server that the IconCMO application runs on for our clients. We have also replaced the servers for the blog and website.
All the servers that are in the current setup have a terabyte (TB) or more of data storage.

Some fun facts to give everyone an idea of how much 1 TB is:
50,000 trees made into paper and printed is equal to 1 TB.
Having 1,000 copies of the full edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica is equal to 1 TB.
1 TB can hold a million minutes of MP3 music.
1 TB can remember 8,000 times more data than the average human.
Wikipedia’s raw data dump of the entire site on Jan 2010 was 5.87 TB’s.
The first 20 years worth of observation by the Hubble Space Telescope amassed a little more than 45 TB’s of data.
As of April 2011, the Library of Congress has collected about 235 TB’s of data total and adds about 5 TB’s per month.
Now that we have established that a TB is a lot of data, rest assured Icon Systems has numerous servers that make up the entire server architecture to house each clients’ data. This means our clients have at their disposal many TB’s of space to use on IconCMO.
In addition to the hardware updates, we also updated all the software that is used to create the reports, the servers’ operating system, and other programming tools to the latest version available. With these software updates for the report generation and other tools, our programmers will be able to deploy faster solutions on the system.
After all the software was updated, we migrated all of our clients’ databases to the new servers including the backups. Once we migrated the data and planned the roll over in the wee hours of the morning, it only took 10 minutes to physically switch out all the servers in the data warehouse!
Our commitment to our clients is paramount and with these improvements to IconCMO, we hope our clients know we are on their side.
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