This post was last updated on October 4th, 2022 at 11:45 am.
Icon Systems has released the first, completely functioning church software that includes membership, donations, fund accounting, payroll, small groups, attendance, and gifts on the Android Operating System for the tablet market. We felt it important to release the full system for the tablet market and not just a “lite” or “slimmed” down version that only shows only demographic information. Why did we decide to do this for our clients? The iPad with 15 million sold in 11 months is the fastest selling technology hardware device in history – EVER. We believe tablets (Androids, iPads, etc.) will eventually replace the laptop for majority of the population. Secondly, the mobile devices adheres to our motto of Anytime, Anywhere access.
Laptops only were able to get people partially the way to being completely mobile. The tablets will take the user the rest of the way. After we released the iPad version of IconCMO on Aug. 3rd, we received a call on Aug. 17th from Steve Hewitt of CCMag about doing a cover story on mobile computing.
At the time of this writing the Android version of the IconCMO is in Beta testing and getting ready to be put out to our clients! Many people will ask why did we decide to quickly turn and do this for the Android market? There are two reasons. First, Steve mentioned a survey where majority of church leaders and staff prefer the Android tablet over the iPad for its Flash capabilities instead of the iPad. This market trend is different than the rest of the population that uses the iPad. Secondly, companies say they are the leaders in church management software with innovations but most come up short because of the technology they use is outdated for the current technology era.
When technology that is used allows you to release a full Church Management Software (ChMS) solution on an Android tablet in weeks not months or years – this shows innovation, the right technology in the right era, speed of development, agility of management, and the true leaders of the church software industry – Icon Systems. Please read the full article about mobile computing that was published in CCMag. Tell us what you think.
This blog post is excellent and provides valuable insights. Thank you for sharing such a brilliant article with us.