There are major differences between not-for-profit accounting and for-profit accounting. We break this down in several areas in this post. First, we’ll go over an example of for-profit accounting to get our feet wet. Next, we will move on to the not-for-profit, more specifically church accounting. In each section, we will review what questions each… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Breeze Church Management vs IconCMO Church Software
IconCMO is a powerful but simple to use software package for any size church. It’s a great alternative to the Breeze Church Management System (ChMS). Read on to see why. This article offers facts and opinions regarding IconCMO and Breeze. We will attempt to show both products in an honest light. We hope you find… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Accounting Software – Is It Important?
Church accounting software is important. We go over why its important, best practices, pitfalls, requirements, history, and for-profit vs not-for-profit.… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Management System Selection
Selecting a church management system can be daunting. There are many choices, and not much guidance in the church management software industry.… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Should I use Accrual Based Accounting (AP)?
This article post was originally published June 6, 2014. There are 2 types – or methods – of accounting: cash based accounting and accrual based accounting. In this post, we’ll explore the differences and the pros and cons between cash vs. accrual accounting. Cash based accounting – is when an organization writes the check out… ⪼ Continue Reading…
Church Quarterly Meetings – What Reports do You Need?
Around this time of year, church boards often have their first quarterly meeting. Usually, the board will want to review the financial aspects of the church. Church accounting systems like CMO offer a great variety of financial reports to review just about anything you could think of. But what are the main reports that treasurers… ⪼ Continue Reading…